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A member registered 94 days ago

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could u make it that after u digest and absorb prey u have to burp out the bones like the manual digestion with the differnce being that the remains has to be disposed of or else it would take space?

will u do something gore related with it?

like maybe in the long run are u thinking of making the bone/skull burped match the number of prey swallowed? or maybe if a digested prey in belly but not absorbed yet and mia vomited it it would be digested flesh with bones 

i know its a very long shot but im just asking if u are thinking about it 

cuz i rly cant imagine how whould u animate blody gore vomiting or more detailed remains but i had to ask im rly curios

and by the way ur game is amazing as it is and thanks for making it i imagine its very hard to make it but again im curios are you considering something like that?